
Elite Cash Wire Cash Posting Specifications

Field names and acceptable values

The absence of any required field (Required) will result in an error. If you don't collect the data needed by a required field, contact us for instructions. An exception is 2nd reference, for which you may copy the 1st reference. Preffered fields (Preferred) may be omitted, but doing so could reduce a lead's chances of finding a buyer. Optional fields (Optional) can be omitted without effect.

Note, The tier code is case-sensitive and must be included as tier=tierE ,tierD ,tierC ,tierB , tier=tierA , tier=tier1 etc and so on..

Field Contents Values Allowed Required?
tier   all,tierF,tierE,tierD,tierC,tierB, tierA, tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4, tier5, tier6, tier7, tier8, tier9 or test Required
promo_code EliteCashWire provided code ex. 123 Required
sub_id Code of your choosing for your own tracking purposes ex. 123-ABC Optional
time_limit Maximum number of seconds (not milliseconds) you will wait for a response. Default is 15. Integers only, no decimals. Optional
REMOTE_ADDR Lead's IP address Dotted quad notation, ex. Required
firstname     Required
lastname     Required
gender   M or F Preferred
address     Required
city     Required
state   Two captial letters (NY, CA, etc) Required
zip     Required
rentown Residence type rent or own Required
years_at_Address Years at current address 0 or more ex. 10 or 12 or 15 etc Required
months_at_Address Months at current address 0 ... 11 Required
email Email address All email addresses except (.gov or .org) Required
homephoneNumber Home phone number Exactly 10 digits, no (), -, or spaces Required
altnumber Alternate phone number Exactly 10 digits, no (), -, or spaces Required
celnumber Cell phone number Exactly 10 digits, no (), -, or spaces Optional
dob_month Date of birth, month 01 ... 12 Required
dob_day Date of birth, day 01 ... 31 Required
dob_year Date of birth, year Exactly 4 digits Required
ssn Social security number Exactly 9 digits, no dashes or spaces Required
license Drivers license number   Required
licensestate Drivers license state Two captial letters (NY, CA, etc) Required
uscitizen US citizen? yes or no Required
currentlyemployed Currently employed? yes or no Required
shifthours Number of hours worked per day 0 ... 24 Preferred
shift Work shift day, evening or swing Preferred
companyname Name of employing company   Required
jobtitle Job title   Required
employerphoneNumber Work phone number Exactly 10 digits, no (), -, or spaces Required
datehired_month Hired, month 01 ... 12 Required
datehired_day Hired, day 01 ... 31 Required
datehired_year Hired, year Exactly 4 digits Required
supervisor_name Name of supervisor   Preferred
mainIncome Main source of income Benefits or Job Required
checkDeposit How pay is received Check or Deposit Required
payPeriod How often pay is received Weekly, Bi_Weekly, Monthly or Semi_Monthly Required
takehomepay Aggregate monthly pay No $, commas, or decimals Required
paydate1_month Next paycheck, month 01 ... 12 Required
paydate1_day Next paycheck, day 01 ... 31 Required
paydate1_year Next paycheck, year Exactly 4 digits Required
paydate2_month Paycheck after next, month 01 ... 12 Required
paydate2_day Paycheck after next, day 01 ... 31 Required
paydate2_year Paycheck after next, year Exactly 4 digits Required
Mil_AMD Currently serving in the military? 1 for yes, 0 for no, or -1 for unknown Required
activechecking Has an active checking account? yes or no Required
bankName Bank name   Required
bankabaRouting Bank routing number Exactly 9 digits, no dashes or spaces, Blacklist routing numbers (Please skip these ABAs) Required
bankaccNumber Bank account number   Required
years_at_Bank Years they've had the bank account 0 or more ex. 10 or 12 or 15 etc Preferred
months_at_Bank Months they've had the bank account 0 ... 11 Preferred
loan_count Number of outstanding loans, not the amount 0 or more Preferred
loan_amount Request loan amount, in increments of $100 100 ... 1500; no $, commas, or decimals Preferred
reference_name1 Name of 1st reference First and last name, seperated by a space Required
reference_name2 Name of 2nd reference First and last name, seperated by a space Required
reference_phone1 Phone number of 1st reference Exactly 10 digits, no (), -, or spaces Required
reference_phone2 Phone number of 2nd reference Exactly 10 digits, no (), -, or spaces Required
reference_relationship1 Relationship of 1st reference friend, coworker, parent, sibling or other Required
reference_relationship2 Relationship of 2nd reference friend, coworker, parent, sibling or other Required
user_agent User Agent User Agent Preferred
source_url Source of the lead Source of the lead Preferred
otheroffers Interested in other offers? yes or no Required

Tier Pricing

  • all - (This will post to all tiers between $110 tier to $0.1 tier and you will get an acceptance on whatever tier it may get approved)
  • tierF - $110.00
  • tierE - $100.00
  • tierD - $90.00
  • tierC - $80.00
  • tierB - $70.00
  • tierA - $60.00
  • tier1 - $50.00
  • tier2 - $40.00
  • tier3 - $35.00
  • tier4 - $30.00
  • tier5 - $25.00
  • tier6 - $15.00
  • tier7 - $5.00
  • tier8 - $2.00
  • tier9 - $0.50
  • tier10 - $0.25
  • tier11 - $0.10

Additional Requirements

To be considered for a loan, a customer must:

  • Reside in the United States
  • Be employed
  • Make $1000+ per month
  • Have a bank account, except for those in: Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, or West Virginia

Common mistakes

  • Values for the tier field include the word “tier”, ergo tier=tier1 is correct, while tier=1 is not.
  • Values must be URL encoded. For example, james.doe@example.com should be james.doe%40example.com and 4 Pennsylvania Plaza should be 4+Pennsylvania+Plaza.
  • All field names and explicitly allowed values (years_at_Address, rent, Deposit, etc.) are case-sensitive.
  • Passing unlisted values (for example: family for reference_relationship1) will result in errors. Likewise, do not pass empty fields, instead omit the fields.
  • Paydates must be in the future (today is 2/6/2025), but within 33 days. If either date falls on a weekend, it will be automatically adjusted forward to the following Monday.
  • Out-of-range or logically impossible values, like months_at_Address=100, or years_at_Address=500 when dob_year=1980, will fail.


Our testing address is https://www.elitecashwire.com/post_test.php, and our live address is https://www.elitecashwire.com/post_process.php. Please do not begin posting to the live address until our tech has manually verified your test data (in addition to our automatic validation process), and we've explicitly notified you that your campaign has been activated within our system. Any leads posted to the live address while your campaign is still in test mode will return an error and neither be counted nor returned.

* Any lead posted in test mod would not be considered as live lead, Hence no payment would take place either.

Example Request

POST /post_test.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html
Content-Length: 1132
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8


This example request can be generated by running cURL at the system prompt, like so:

curl -H 'Accept: text/html' -d 'tier=tier1&promo_code=1&firstname=James&lastname=Doe&email=james.doe%40example.com&activechecking=yes&address=4+Pennsylvania+Plaza&altnumber=2124656741&bankabaRouting=021000322&bankaccNumber=000123456789&bankName=Bank+of+America&celnumber=2124656741&checkDeposit=Deposit&city=New+York&companyname=EliteCashWire&currentlyemployed=yes&datehired_day=01&datehired_month=01&datehired_year=2000&dob_day=01&dob_month=01&dob_year=1980&employerphoneNumber=2124656741&gender=M&homephoneNumber=2124656741&jobtitle=Developer&license=123ABC456&licensestate=NY&loan_count=0&mainIncome=Job&Mil_AMD=0&months_at_Address=0&months_at_Bank=0&source_url=https://elitecashwire.com&otheroffers=no&payPeriod=Bi_Weekly&reference_name1=John+Doe&reference_name2=Jack+Doe&reference_phone1=2124656741&reference_phone2=2124656741&reference_relationship1=friend&reference_relationship2=friend&REMOTE_ADDR=' 'https://www.elitecashwire.com/post_test.php'


This is exact text that will definitely be present. ... indicates variable data, and may not be present.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Accepted: https://www.elitecashwire.com/postaccept.php?trans_id=...
(If tier=all passed then following will be accepted response, below tier11 denotes the lead accepted tier separated by ; delimiter )
Accepted: https://www.elitecashwire.com/postaccept.php?trans_id=...;tier11

Lead was valid, and purchased by a lender. To receive credit for an accepted lead, the customer must be successfully redirected to the URL provided. Non-redirected leads will be returned to you. trans_id will be a unique value.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Rejected: url

Lead was valid, but declined by all lenders. If a URL is provided (it may not be), it is up to the affiliate to redirect, if desired.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 22
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Error: Duplicate lead

The same customer has applied within the past month and was either accepted (any tier), or denied on this tier. Try re-submitting on a different tier.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Error: Missing or invalid field1, field2, field3

Validation error(s). The names of required fields that are empty, and any field containing malformed data, are enumerated.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 25
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Error: Inactive campaign

Your campaign has been paused. Please contact us to find out why and resolve the matter.

Download Phone Suppression list here

To check for duplication, use following API

If lead is not found in our db in last 30 days
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response><duplicate>no</duplicate><email>james.doe@example.com</email></response> If lead is accepted in last 30 days, or if not accepted , pinged on all the tiers.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response><duplicate>yes</duplicate><email>james.doe@example.com</email></response> If lead is found in last 30 days , and pinged only on couple of tiers.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response><duplicate>yes</duplicate><email>james.doe@example.com</email><remainingtiers><tier>tierD</tier><tier>tierB</tier><tier>tier1</tier><tier>tier2</tier><tier>tier3</tier><tier>tier4</tier><tier>tier5</tier><tier>tier7</tier><tier>tier8</tier><tier>tier9</tier></remainingtiers></response>
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