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We Are All One!
Notes from Neale…

My dear friends…

I want to tell you about the most important petition ever launched . . . a petition that could lead us all toward a new humanity, a new earth, and a New Spirituality.

Humanity’s Team is collecting 50,000 Signatures to get the United Nations to declare a Oneness Day, a day set aside and embraced by individuals, communities and nations for humanity to celebrate, discuss and experience our similarities as well as our rich cultural diversities-our Oneness-a day to unite with the entire universe as one human family.

In the article below I tell you why I believe so much in Oneness. In this letter, I want to just tell you about what you can do to help us move toward this wonderful goal. And the first step takes just 30 seconds.

What I ask you to do is to join the thousands of others who are now signing a petition created by Humanity’s Team. The idea here is to help humanity raise its consciousness by having a Oneness Day every year, celebrated worldwide. As we remember who and what we are on that day, we will soon realize who and what we are every day! And then we’ll have heaven on earth!

Special times call for special action. We are in special times right now. Humanity is divided and faced with so many life-threatening crises that we need to change our world view if we wish to preserve life as we know it.

This is a dramatic statement, but it’s true. The status quo doesn’t work anymore.

We’ve got to stand together and declare that terrorism and anti-terrorism, the financial collapse and selective government bailouts, ecological devastation and uneven environmental enforcement, and the many other divisive and destructive conditions and policies in this world have to end if we are ever to begin creating our dream for all of humanity.

And for those divisive and destructive conditions and policies to end, the underlying beliefs that created and perpetuate them must change.

We’ve got to realize something we already know deep in our hearts; we’ve got to now officially declare it once and for all, for the World Entire to see and to consider: that we are all part of a unified whole, with multiple dimensions, each complementing the other: We Are All One. The sooner we recognize this, that is, re-cognize it (that is, know it again), the sooner the world’s life-threatening crises will end.

That’s another dramatic statement, and it’s also true.

The fact that you are reading this means you are among the growing number of people who understand this truth. Your voice is important in helping us to make this message heard, causing it to get louder by the day. People the world over are awakening to the realization that We Are All One, and that recognizing this will change how we behave toward one another.

After signing the petition, I will ask you to do something else: own it. Own it by using its built-in link to spread the word by forwarding the petition to as many people as possible. And continue checking back for the signature count. We can bring about a truly historic change, but only when we all take responsibility for getting the job done.


A wonderful learning opportunity by Joanna Gabriel

In the days immediately following 9-11 I begged God to give me some answers. Why was the world this way? What had we come to? What would it take to get us to stop all this? What is the missing information? I reasoned that there must be something we do not understand…the understanding of which would change everything. What is it? What could it be? I begged God, please, please…tell me the answer.

So many years we have searched for a truth that would save the world. So many years we struggled to understand Life, its purpose, its function, and the way to live it in peace and harmony. Religion has been our best attempt to find the answers. And religion has helped, there is no question about that. Religion has made us a more peaceful, more loving species. Yet with all that religion has brought us and taught us for these many thousands of years, it has failed to provide a species-wide outcome, a species-wide experience: peace. It has failed to provide us inner peace, and it has failed to provide us outward peace.

We are a species of sentient beings, intelligent, evolved, clever and wise, yet we cannot produce or create something for which we have yearned from the beginning of time: a way to live in harmony with each other. Why is that? If we are thinking people we must ask ourselves…why is that?

That is the question I asked God on the 12th of September, 2001. And God gave me the answer, loud and clear. It is contained in the book The New Revelations an extraordinary document that brings to our world a new direction and a very clear solution. It says that religion, for all its good intentions, has been able to tell us only half of the story. Now it is time for us to embrace the other half.

I am going to write a book one day called The Second Half of Truth.

We can no longer sustain life on this planet with our minds filled with half-truths. We now need the truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

The truth is that there is no separation of any kind between us and God. The truth is that there is no separation of any kind between anything and anything. The truth is that separation does not exist. The truth is that there is Only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing there is.

I call this One Thing, “God.” It doesn’t matter what we call it, it is still the Same Thing, and that is the One Thing.

This is what I was told in The New Revelations and I was told, as well, that the only way for the world to “get it” was education. What is the solution to the world’s dilemma?, I asked God, and God replied, “Education, education, education.”

The world must come to understand the root cause of all its troubles: the belief in Separation. It is this belief that must be changed before we can hope to change, in any permanent way, our behaviors.

The problem in the world today is a spiritual problem. And the situation we find ourselves in is that we are trying to solve the world’s problem at every level except the level at which the problem exists.

We are trying to solve it as if it was a political problem, but it is not. And so, political machinations only put a Band Aid on the problem, at best. Then the problem reemerges. It will not go away. So we say, “Okay, this is not a political problem. It must be an economic problem…”

We are used to using economic might on this planet to push things around and try to fit square pegs into round holes. In other words, to force a solution.

Thus, we go about trying to solve the problem as if it was an economic problem, but it is not. And so, economic maneuverings — throwing money at it, or withholding money from it (as in the form of sanctions) — only put a Band Aid on the problem, at best. Then the problem reemerges. It will not go away. So we say, “Okay, this is not an economic problem. It must be a military problem…”

We are used to using military might on this planet to push things around and to try to fit square pegs into round holes. In other words, to force a solution.

Thus, we go about trying to solve the problem as if it was a military problem, but it is not. And so, military interventions only put a Band Aid on the problem, at best. Then the problem reemerges. It will not go away. So we say, “Okay, this is not an easy problem. This is going to be a long, hard slog. Many lives will be lost in trying to solve this problem. But we are not going to give up. We are going to solve this problem.”

You see, we are very used to trying to force solutions. Yet solutions that are forced are never solutions at all. They are simply postponements.

Do you know the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting to get a different result.

The sadness of humanity is that we are forever ready to settle for postponements in place of solutions. Only primitive cultures and primitive beings do that. Highly evolved beings would never, ever settle for a ten-thousand-year postponement in the solving of their largest problem.

Here on this planet we have never really faced the largest problem of humanity head on. Indeed, we are still attempting to solve the world’s problem at every level except the level at which the problem exists.

The problem is a spiritual problem. It has to do with what people believe. It has to do with what they believe about Life, about God, and most of all, about themselves.

This problem of beliefs creates a condition of hopelessness, helplessness, anger, and rebellion. That condition produces a circumstance — inevitably produces a circumstance — of run-away violence. The problem of beliefs is a problem which all of us have helped to create. This is true because all of us have beliefs. And all of us pass on those beliefs to others, to our children and our grandchildren and our neigbors and our friends.

We join together to create a Cultural Story…and that Cultural Story is what creates the Conditions which produce the Circumstances that we are trying to eliminate and to avoid. But we cannot eliminate them and we cannot avoid them until we eliminate and avoid the beliefs that created them.

And that is OUR work, my friends. That is OUR job. We must change the Cultural Story that created the Conditions that produce the Circumstances we seek to avoid.

Yet we will never do that, we will never even be able to, so long as we refuse to acknowledge our own responsibility in the matter. It is WE who hold the beliefs that we hold, that create the Cultural Stories that start the spiral going. We, ALL of us — including the people who use violence to announce and to scream out their discontent — who must CHANGE OUR CULTURAL STORY, CHANGE OUR BELIEFS, if we expect and hope to see a CHANGE IN HUMANITY’S BEHAVIOR.

It is as simple, and as complex, as that.

It IS complex, and I don’t mean or wish to indicate otherwise. Let’s not pretend here. This is a complex problem. But it is not irresolvable. Yet we must understand the nature of the problem before we can resolve it.

Humanity’s Team bases its work in the world on the messages in the Conversations with God series of books, and particularly the latest in that series, The New Revelations, Tomorrow’s God, and What God Wants. Those books all clearly explain what is being described here. And that message is simple:


Buy it now at Amazon Online

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